Friday, October 1, 2010

Firday Blog 2 Keira

Hi mom

I ran 31 laps and I could not get up this morning  next year I'm not running !!!!!!!!!!!

Friday jornal Oct 1,2010 Laura

This week we did the Terry Fox run. It had a lot of running. In math there has been a fun game called adding go fish. It has been a fun week. In since we have been learning about the enviorment.

fring a pig Alec

Hi mom and dad what's for dinner. BACON? oh wait that a breackfast food.
I have no clue what to wright. I found a huge cave with gold and diamonds. lol everyone's tired from te Tarry Fox Run. lalalalalalalalala.

Noah's Friday Blog

i did the most laps in the Terry Fox run 17km. I can not move my lower hafe. every thing hurts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Keira Friday Blog !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Mom

I finished my wacky news story and my Terry Fox Thing but juss what
me and my writting class stoll Miss Hession's  Muno but we gave it back agian.

Noah's Friday Blog

on monday I started my wackey news story.
on tusday I finshed my wackey news story.
on wednesday me and Mattew W finshed decimals.
on thursday I did my  terry fox paper.
on friday I did something.